★ 吳松濤,賈煥忠(杭州和利時自動化有限公司,浙江 杭州 310018)
摘要:鍋爐主燃料跳閘(Main Fuel Trip,MFT)是爐膛安全監控系統(Furnace Safeguard Supervisory System,FSSS)最重要的功能,當出現任何危及鍋爐安全運行的危險工況時,立即切斷所有進入爐膛的燃料,避免事故發生或限制事故進一步擴大,以確保鍋爐設備的安全。本文通過對和利時公司火電項目鍋爐MFT系統設計實施要點進行介紹和分析,希望對其他項目系統設計提供借鑒。
Abstract: Main fuel trip (MFT) is most important function of the furnace safeguard supervisory system (FSSS). When there is any dangerous condition endangering the safe operation of the boiler occurs, immediately cut off all the fuel entering the furnace to avoid accidents or limit their further expansion, so as to ensure the safety of the boiler equipment. This paper introduces and analyzes the key points of boiler MFT system design and implementation in Hollysys thermal power project, hoping to provide the reference for other engineering application.
Key words: Distributed control system (DCS) ; MFT;Power; Signal processing